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Gun Owners of America, Inc. Committee has endorsed James Julius for State Representative in PA House District 45. Unlike the incumbent, James won't sell out gun owners and will guard your constitutionally protected rights. He scored a perfect, 100% on GOA’s 2024 candidate survey, which means he’ll be committed to advancing pro-gun legislation and stopping Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun agenda. So, I encourage all of you to vote for James Julius on November 5th and be sure to support his campaign. — Val Finnell
Chairman, Gun Owners of America, Inc. Committee

Dear James Julius: Please be advised that FOAC is ENDORSING you for the office of State Representative of Allegheny County in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the 2024 Pennsylvania General Election. As you are aware we believe that a strong, independent and constitutionally sound government & judiciary are essential for our Republic to flourish, especially in these trying times. It is our goal to assist in this process by helping to elect responsible leaders. Based on an in-depth examination of your background we believe you will proactively support your ‘oath of office’ to support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that you will discharge the duties of your office with fidelity. Your name is included on our Voter’s Guide. Once completed FOAC will post our Voter’s Guides on our web site ( and will distribute the Voter’s Guide throughout the relevant counties and the Commonwealth, as a whole. In addition to our voter guide distribution, we have an extensive database of pro-second amendment supporters that can be accessed for mailings on your behalf. We are able to target FFL dealers, sportsmen’s clubs, and many other pro-second amendment organizations and individuals. While we do NOT share the individual gun owner database, we do work with campaigns on arrangements for targeted mailings with mutually agreeable messages. FOAC will also promote your election efforts via our several social media platforms. This letter is your authorization to publicize our 2024 Pennsylvania General Election Endorsement to any and all media sources, groups, and individuals as you deem appropriate. We, at Firearms Owners Against Crime, wish you and your team good fortune in the upcoming election and look forward to working with you, and them, in the future on issues of mutual concern. — Herb Ohlinger
President, Firearm Owners Against Crime

Paid for by Friends of James Julius
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